How to enjoy Kabuki Tattoo seal歌舞伎タトゥーシールの使い方

Tatoo Seal Application Instructions

① 貼りたい部分の水気や油分をふき取ります。

Begin by wiping away any moisture or oil from the area where you want to apply the tatoo.

② 貼りたいデザインを挟みで切り取ります。

Cut out the desired design with scissors.

③ 保護シートをはがします。

Peel off the protective sheet.

④ デザイン面を肌に当て、十分に水分を含ませたタオルなどをあてて紙シートをくまなく浸し、20~30秒そのままにしておきます。

Place the design on your skin, press it against the skin, and use a towel soaked in enough water to thoroughly saturate the paper sheet. Leave it in place for 20-30 seconds.

⑤ 紙シートをゆっくりとはがします。

Slowly peel off the paper sheet.

⑥ 乾かすと完成です。

Once it's dry, the application in complete.

Remove Method


You can remove it by gently wiping with adhesive tape, such as cellophane tape, or using cleansing cream, baby oil, and similar substances.

This seal has been designed with careful consideration for skin safety; however, there is rare possibility of allergies or skin reactions. If you experience swelling, itching, or any discomfort, please discontinue use immediately.
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